We would like to introduce the first of our summer associates - Chelsea Aiosa! A Vestal native, Chelsea just finished her first year of law school at Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University. She started as a legal secretary with the Firm last summer and is excited to be back! When asked what drew her to the law she said it was "the idea that I could make a difference, and using my legal education I could help others feel secure in their decisions. I also really like learning/ going to school so I knew I wanted to continue my education in some way, but knew law school was a huge commitment so I took a year off. Very soon after beginning work at LGT during my “gap year” I knew the legal field was the place I wanted to be."
She is an avid movie watcher and loves going to the movie theater. She also likes to eat- but is "not the best cook, so I have been trying to experiment with new recipes lately and brush up on my chef skills." Her favorite relaxing activity is reading, and she can’t wait to read for enjoyment this summer!
Welcome back Chelsea!